A Book That Impacted Me.

In English class today, we had to write a paragraph about a book, movie or tv show that impacted us.

Here is mine!

I think that a book that impacted me was Length of a String. It was such an incredible book! I loved it so much that I didn’t wan’t to stop reading! I read a couple pages one day and then a few weeks later I read 300 pages and finished the book! Length of a string was about a girl who was adopted into a Jewish family.Here name is Imani, she is going to have her Bat Mitzvah soon and as her gift, she wants to meet her birth mother but doesn’t want to ask her parents. Later she found out that her great grandmother had passed away and they were going to clear her house. While they were clearing her house, Imani found here great grandmother’s old journal and started reading it. It was from the holocaust! Then the book goes back and forth between the book and Imani’s life. In the journal her great grandmother and her siblings ha to be seperated and the book is all about that. Eventually, Imani finds her great grandmother’s long lost brother and they go see him for her Bat Mitzvah gift!

Thanks for reading!

My Memoir

In Language Arts, we were assigned the talk of writing a memoir. A memoir is written about one impactful thing in our lives. So, I wrote about the night I met my best friend! We also had to answer a few questions, so here they are!

1.Why did you choose this topic to write about?

 I chose to write about meeting my best friend because she had a big impact on my life! When I met her, I had lots of friends, but no best friend! And certainly no one like Na’ama!

2.How did that particular topic change or influence you as a person?

Na’ama has influenced me a lot because she inspires me and she is someone I look up to! She is so kind, generous, smart, funny and amazing! Na’ama is incredible and I am so grateful for her everyday!

3. What lesson can the reader learn from your memoir?

I think the reader can learn that even if you think something isn’t going to go well, or you don’t think someone wants to be friends with you, try it anyways! You never know what may happen! That is how I felt when I talked to Na’ama for the first time! And I am so glad I did!

Here is the memoir!

 The Night I Met My Best Friend

I was kind of nervous because I walked into the information night with my mom right behind me. I saw Vicky (the head of camp) and all the other parents and kids there! I only knew the people hosting the event and one mom who goes to the same Shul (synagogue) Other than that, I didn’t know anyone!! Then, my mom pointed out a girl, she looked my age! She had red long hair, really pretty earrings and super cool boots! My mom said to me as we were taking off our boots, “You see that girl, she raised over $100,00 for her brother who has a special condition!” “Wow!” I exclaimed. I walked over to the circular table where everyone was sitting, we introduced ourselves then I went to introduce myself to the girl that I saw before! 


“Hi! My name is Mia!” “Hi. I am Na’ama.” She said Shyly. “I like your shirt!” “Thanks,” I said. “Are you going to camp?” Na’ama said. To which I responded, “All my friends went to camp last year and they all started talking about it so when I got home I started crying because all my friends were going to overnight camp and I wasn’t so my mom said I could go this year!” “Last night I went to an information night for camp “Ramah ”. I didn’t like it at all! I do not want to go there! What about you? Are you going to camp?” “Yeah!” Na’ama said excitedly!


 Then Vicky said that we were all going to have dinner and dessert now! Na’ama and I had been talking but we were also listening to Vicky! We thought this camp was so cool! My Mom signaled me to come over while vicky and the host family went to get the pizza and dessert! “Mia, what do you think about this place? And, do you like that girl?”  I said to my Mom “Na’ama is so nice!! She is super awesome! I wish she could come to my school! And I really like this place! Much better than Ramah! I want to keep listening so we can decide but I think I want to go here!” “Ok” My mom said! Then I went back to Na’ama. We ate pizza and Kosher skittles! Neither of us had ever had a skittle! We both tried it at the same time! 1…2..3… GO! It was really good! It was the citrus flavoured one! It tasted like a chewy lime candy! Then we had cheese pizza from Montreal! We went to the basement to watch a promotional video! The video was amazing! I knew I wanted to go to this camp! The video showed activities on the lake like canoeing, kayaking, water slide blow up jungle gym things and so much more! They also showed things like baking, a small farm, dance, colour war and learning Torah! After the video we went upstairs and they brought out cupcakes! The cupcakes smelled delicious! They were so pretty too! They were vanilla! My favourite! “Hey Na’ama! When is your birthday?” “My birthday is July 7th!” She replied. “What did you do for your birthday Mia?’’ “Well,” I said “I had a birthday party at this awesome rock climbing gym! There were so many obstacles! And, they let the birthday person do one special obstacle! I chose the one where I went up a tall ladder, only a ledge and jumped off! It was so high!” “That sounds fun! What school do you go to?” Na’ama said.  “ I go to OJCS! It stands for ‘’ The Ottawa Jewish Community School! We spent the whole night talking (and we haven’t stopped talking since!)! I tried to convince her to go to OJCS. Eventually it worked! Na’ama is my best friend! She is someone who I truly value as a part of my life! I could never have asked for a more devoted, kind, true, sympathetic, funny, sincere, incredible, beautiful, smart, fun loving and best friend! I am so lucky to have Na’ama in my life!

Thanks for reading!

My Covidcation

When we got back from break, we were assigned an assignment of writing two paragraphs about our winter break. We also needed a visual. My visual is a pixelated photo that I am working on of me and my brother! In the paragraphs, we needed to use three literary devices. (Those are the words in red!)

On my winter break, I ran a camp for my brother! On the first day of camp, we played with my brother’s Chanukkah  gifts which were 4 different dragon collectible toys! The dragon toy came in an egg that you can break open and find your dragon! You can scan a QR code and download an app that displays an arena wherever your camera is (so you can have a fake arena in your house) and then you scan the dragon and it appears on the arena too. Then you can use your dragon to battle another dragon (who is a bot) and you can control your dragon. Then we went on a walk together to give his friend a present! On the walk, my brother kept saying that he wanted to go to the park but it was 7000 steps away! When we got back, we painted a little bit until lunch. For lunch, I made my brother macaroni and cheese and I made myself salmon! While my salmon was in the oven it burst into flames like a forest fire! 


After lunch, we went to dollarama! It was the biggest dollarama I’ve ever seen! It was the size of Costco! We bought so much stuff! We spent almost an hour there and bought five bags worth of stuff! When we got home we made brownies! Inside the brownies, we put whites chocolate and milk chocolate! Then Asher and his friend Nikki played in his room! The next day in the morning we read a little bit and then went on a walk to the park! After the park, it was almost lunch so we made lunch. After lunch, I cut up a cardboard box and made it a big flat strip. Then I outlined a hand multiple tones all over the board and drew fingernails. Then I gave Asher, Nikki, and Noa paint and paintbrushes and they got to paint and decorate the nails!

Then we went outside again and made hot chocolate when we came inside!

The other days we didn’t do much but we had a lot of fun! I love my brother and I can’t wait to spend more time with him on break!

Egghead Mixtape Project


It’s Pink Apron! I recently read a book, Egghead. It was about a boy who is bullied. I am not going to say much more because I don’t want to spoil it. Anyways, we were assigned the task of doing a final project and I decided on a mix tape. I took seven songs and put them together. Those seven songs were about something related to the book. The artists of the seven song I chose are:

Taylor Swift,




Will Smith

Sean Combs

Here is the mixtape (sorry about the occasional clicks

I also had to create a Cd cover.  I added the names of four characters and a quote that they said in the book.

We also had to write at least four sentences about why we chose each song. Here are the sentences:

Fifteen = I chose this song because in the beginning of Egghead, Katie and Will are starting high school and that is what the song is about. In the first little bit of the song it says.

Try and stay out of everybody’s way. It’s your freshman year and you’re gonna be here for the next four years. In this town. You don’t want people to hate you from the very beginning because “It’s your freshman year and you’re gonna be here for the next four years.” You don’t want to embarrass yourself on the first day because you are going to be there for the next four years.


The Bully = I chose this song because it is about bullying. In the song it says that “You’ve given all the scars to heal your own.” Shane is bullying Will because he is hurt by Riley so he is taking out his anger on Will.I think this is a good song and this is the only real song about bullying.

You belong with me = I chose this song because Devan likes Katie. In this song, a girl thinks this boy should be her girlfriend but he is dating someone else. This is a similar situation because Devan wants to be Katies girlfriend but Katie isn’t interested in dating. Especially boys like Devan.

Wake me up = I chose this song because Will sounded like he was under a lot of stress.Nobody wants to be under that much stress. I think that Will took the chance to relax in the coma because he didn’t have to worry about any bullies.  Then, Will woke up to one of the bullies now being  nice to him and visiting him in the hospital.    “Wake me up when it’s all over.” Wake me up when the bullying is done.               

Coming home = I chose this song because this is the part of the book where katie’s dad comes home from the hospital and Will goes to live in London. I imagine that Katie is very happy in this part of the book. If your dad came home from the hospital wouldn’t you be happy? Will moves to London. Now, this might not be his home but he will make it one.

Happier = I chose this song because Devan is happy that Katie likes the ant farm. He wants Katie to be happy. So does Will obviously because Will gave  the dinner coupon to Devan and Katie.Katie is happy at the end of the book. She got a date with Devan, a letter from Will and a new ant farm!



Ain’t never had a friend like me = I chose this song because in the end of the book, there are lots of new friends. Will and Katie are kind of friends, Katie and Devan are friends and Devan and Will are friends. I think that Will gave Katie the gift card because he wanted Katie to be happy and he saw that she would be happy with Devan.I think that the author should have made a part of the book where Katie apologizes to Will for what happened at the dance because the letter sounded like he forgave her.