Winter Break


Winter is coming, and it is coming sooner than expected because it started to get really cold, and it started getting cold mid November!  I am really excited for winter break even though I don’t think we have anything planned. Maybe we will go to Toronto. I hate cold weather! Like, I HATE it! It is so cold and dry and awful!! The only things that are good about winter are skating, sledding, hot chocolate, and those maple syrup lollipops. Those are really yummy! I love the warm weather so so much! I could live in warm weather my entire life! My birthday is March 20. This might seem like random information but my birthday is actually fitting for me! How? You ask, well, my birthday is the last day of winter and also the first day of spring! I love hot chocolate! Last year, around this time, hot chocolate bombs were going viral! Like, everyone was making them! So, me and my best friend Ella made hot chocolate bombs when we were having a sleep over! We didn’t have the right molds so they didn’t work but they were still delicious! Everyone loved them, especially her little sister Lila! I hope you enjoy your winter break! Happy holidays! 


Dear Mommy and Daddy,

Thank you for picking us up when we fall. Thank you for making us food even when we weren’t going to eat it. Thank you for hugging us when you were hurting too. Thank you for loving us when we were angry at you. Thank you for solving our problems even when it was more work for you. Thank you for giving us a life when we didn’t ask to be born. Thank you for buying us toys even though we didn’t deserve it. We love you and appreciate you more than you know and we will never be able to thank you enough. We love you!


Pink Apron

Paragraph of The Week!

Here is my paragraph of the week!

Question: What do you do that makes you the most happy? Why do you think this provides you with happiness?


When I am sad, some things that make me happy are things like  reading,

 baking ,hanging out with my friends, and calling my extended family. Now I know that my family should make me happier than baking, but it is a close call… I love to bake! I love to make cakes, cookies, brownies, mug cakes and macarons!

Baking just makes me so happy! The smell of the cookies or decorating the cakes or even burning a mug cake in someone else’s house (which I actually did).

I also love to read! I love to read because, you know, in movies how when there is a happy scene or a scene when something exciting happens and you start smiling without even noticing it, yeah that happens in books too. Even if you don’t realize it, you will be happy if you read something happy! It is just like if you see a fire even if it is cold, you will feel warm! I just feel so nice after I just sit down and read for a while!

What makes you happy?

Thanks for reading!


Qualities in a Friend

In language arts, we were assigned writing a short paragraph responding to this

“What qualities do you look for in your friends? Choose one of these qualities a friend has, and explain in detail why you admire it.”

So… This is what I wrote.

I enjoy hanging out with my friends. My friends are pretty great! I love and admire my friends so much that I am going to write about what I love about them and what my favourite quality is. A quality that I want in a friend is trust. I want to feel that I can trust them and our friendship and I want them to feel the same thing about me. I think that trust is so important because if I can’t trust someone then it doesn’t make me feel like this person is someone I can talk to. I am really not a hard person to win over when it comes to trust (I PROMISE, I AM NOT).

I hope that everyone has a friend or someone in their life that they can trust.


Thanks for reading!


My Dream Vacation!

In English class, we were assigned the task of writing two paragraphs of sensory writing about our dream vacation! Sensory writing is involving all five sense in your story to make the reader feel more present! For example:  The sky was blue and the ocean was nice! VS The sky was a beautiful blue and the ocean water was salty and fresh! You probably feel more present in the second example. We also had to draw a picture to go with our writing!  Here is mine story and drawing!

My Dream Vacation!
I open my eyes to see a big ocean right in front of me! I sit up, on my bed in my big beautiful beachfront house. Slowly but surely the rest of the family starts to wake up too. Waking up is nice because we get to wake up to the ocean, the sun, and the birds! For breakfast we all make smoothies! My smoothie included fresh juicy pineapple and bright yellow mangoes! Big strawberries and raspberries bursting with freshness! All of the ingredients are grown right on this very island! We all have breakfast together and then get into our bathing suits and snorkeling gear to go see the beautiful coral reef! The ocean is gorgeous, filled with many colours, tons of bright yellow, green, orange, and blue fish! Big pieces of brightly coloured coral fill the ocean floor! The sea air smells salty and fresh. The sky looks bright and sunny! The ocean feels warm and looks very clear. I feel like I am inside a spiral conch shell!

After we go snorkeling, we take a long walk around the island through the tall leafy green trees! We continue walking until we come to the little island tropical restaurant called tropics cafe! The inside of the cafe smells like a pina colada in a coconut cup! All over the walls are photos of the incredible beauty of the island! We all order a salad with only the freshest ingredients! The salad tastes like a sweet and savory flavour explosion! We all drink our fresh orange juice and for dessert, we all shared a small strawberry sorbet! The sorbet was cold on my tongue. It felt just like ice cream though. After lunch we take a canoe back to the main island, we walk around for a few hours with a tour guide explaining the history of the island! During the tour we see butterflies! They are so beautiful! One even landed on my finger! The tour guide said it was called a Julia butterfly! It was very gentle and soft! My parents surprise us by taking us to a luau! A luau is a traditional Hawaiin celebration in the evening with dancing, food, tricks, fire, and performers! It was so much fun! During the luau, we saw our friends the Greens! We had dinner with them then ate ice cream while watching the fireworks on the sand! The sand is the softest thing I have ever felt! It felt like burying your hand into a stuffed animal! We had so much fun and the ice cream was amazing! I hope we can come again next year!

My Rocket

In science class, we had to make a rocket ship on an app called Tinkercad! Tinkercad is a website where you can design something that can be 3D printed! We also had to answer some reflection questions afterwards! Here is a google slides presentation that has everything! Please don’t edit anything!


My Covidcation

When we got back from break, we were assigned an assignment of writing two paragraphs about our winter break. We also needed a visual. My visual is a pixelated photo that I am working on of me and my brother! In the paragraphs, we needed to use three literary devices. (Those are the words in red!)

On my winter break, I ran a camp for my brother! On the first day of camp, we played with my brother’s Chanukkah  gifts which were 4 different dragon collectible toys! The dragon toy came in an egg that you can break open and find your dragon! You can scan a QR code and download an app that displays an arena wherever your camera is (so you can have a fake arena in your house) and then you scan the dragon and it appears on the arena too. Then you can use your dragon to battle another dragon (who is a bot) and you can control your dragon. Then we went on a walk together to give his friend a present! On the walk, my brother kept saying that he wanted to go to the park but it was 7000 steps away! When we got back, we painted a little bit until lunch. For lunch, I made my brother macaroni and cheese and I made myself salmon! While my salmon was in the oven it burst into flames like a forest fire! 


After lunch, we went to dollarama! It was the biggest dollarama I’ve ever seen! It was the size of Costco! We bought so much stuff! We spent almost an hour there and bought five bags worth of stuff! When we got home we made brownies! Inside the brownies, we put whites chocolate and milk chocolate! Then Asher and his friend Nikki played in his room! The next day in the morning we read a little bit and then went on a walk to the park! After the park, it was almost lunch so we made lunch. After lunch, I cut up a cardboard box and made it a big flat strip. Then I outlined a hand multiple tones all over the board and drew fingernails. Then I gave Asher, Nikki, and Noa paint and paintbrushes and they got to paint and decorate the nails!

Then we went outside again and made hot chocolate when we came inside!

The other days we didn’t do much but we had a lot of fun! I love my brother and I can’t wait to spend more time with him on break!

Our Hebrew project

המצגת שלי היא על המטיילים הצעירים שבאים לישראל. אני מספרת עליהם במצגת שהכנתי

Click HERE to see my slides! When you are on the slides you can click the noise icon and it will read you the information in Hebrew about each person!